Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sustainable Energy Modeling

A few weeks ago I was visiting Greece. Great country but at the time there was a freight worker strike which caused rationing of fuel at the gas stations. It just happened that I rented a car on that day and was "stuck" without fuel to run it! This was the second time a few years that a similar situation had occurred where lack of fuel turned vehicles into useless objects left in the streets to rot!

In the US we don't see this phenomena too often but even here, in the most advanced world economy we have seen fuel rationing, shortages due to supply restrictions etc. When we have adequate supplies of fuel and electricity life goes on. We show up without care to our jobs where we earn our money, shopping to spend what we earned, to school and soccer practice and often enjoy careless trips to the country - the world is perfect! But for how long???

Times like the ones seen during a fuel crisis bring to conscience that the world we live in is temporarily perfect but could at any moment tumble and crash. A minor glitch in the supply chain, a war, a hurricane and ultimately burning our way out of fuels - which will happen sooner than we think.

These glitches in energy supply are inconveniences of the moment but they are also "wake-up" calls for us to begin realizing that we need to plan for the future when energy will not be accessible as it is today!
